Knowledge Graph
for Everyone
Generate Personalized Knowledge Graph the easiest way,
use it for managerial & enterprise purpose, or just for fun!
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What we believe in
make your daily dataflow manageable


Bridging your everyday dataflow and knowledge providers, building personalized knowledge base automatically. Easy to use as bookmark tool, sophisticated as experienced manager.

see us in YCSS2019
Enterprise level code-free KG builder


Plotter provides the easiest way of building universal or enterprise level knowledge graph without code. Creating schema and skeleton by click and type.

try today
about us


Jul 2019

Founded in Beijing, China this July, seeking seed investment, constantly looking for enthusiastic co-founders and engineers. Make knowledge graph a more reachable tool for both personal and enterprise usage.

YCSS 2019

Jul 2019

Joined YC Startup School 2019 online with more than 20,000+ entrepreneurs all over the world! Continually building products and doing user interviews through the 10-week study. Will hold up local meetups by ourselves in Beijing at the end of the course.


Aug 2019

The beta version of our customer-facing product Chromit has launched! Simply download the extension and try it today by visiting 😊

Tell us your thoughts about our products and ideas, shoot us feedbacks or schedule a meetup are all welcomed!
keep in touch

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